Token payment

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Token Payment

This payment scenario allows the integrator shop to register a customer (and a funding source) in the Barion system and then later on charge the customer without redirecting it to the Barion system. This means that the customer authorizes the shop to charge its card without typing in the card information again.

The payment process

The process is divided to two major steps:

  1. Creating the token that represents the one of the customer's funding source (credit card or e-money wallet)
  2. Using the registered token to charge the customer

Creating the token

To be able to use a token payment scenario first we have to register the token with Barion. The token registration is basically a normal payment with two new properties in the Payment/Start request. This means that we have to make sure that the customer is well aware of the fact that he or she is giving consent to a tokenized payment. The Barion pamyment does not indicate in any way that the payment is a token payment.

One of the properties is the InitiateRecurrence property. This is a bool property, if you set it to true then the payment gateway will consider the request as a token registration. This happens even if the customer is already has a registered token, so you are able to re-register a customer.

The other required property for a token registration is the token itself, specified in the RecurrenceId

Exmaple JSON request

    "POSKey": "E31EC263-01DC-40BD-BDF1-38FC7A332434",
    "PaymentType": "Immediate",
    "PaymentRequestId": "EXMPLSHOP-PM-001",
    "InitiateRecurrence": true,
    "RecurrenceId": "SHOP-XMLP-TOKEN-ABC-123",
    "FundingSources": ["All"],
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "Transactions": [
            "POSTransactionId": "EXMPLSHOP-PM-001/TR001",
            "Payee": "[email protected]",
            "Total": 25.2,
            "Comment": "Subsription fee for the first month",
            "Items": [
                    "Name": "Website subscription",
                    "Description": "Website subscription for one month",
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "Unit": "month",
                    "UnitPrice": 25.2,
                    "ItemTotal": 25.2,
                    "SKU": "EXMPLSHOP/SKU/PHC-01"

Using the token