Transaction type enumeration
This enum indicates the type of a transaction.
Included in
Transaction types are used in the following structures:
Enum list
Enum value | Byte/int value | Payment-related? | Description |
Commission | 0 | No | E-money transfer fee. Always waived (0). |
Shop | 1 | Yes | Completed e-money payment between a user and a shop. |
TransferToExistingUser | 2 | No | E-money transfer between two existing Barion users. |
TransferToTechnicalAccount | 3 | No | E-money transfer from an existing Barion user to a currently non-existent user. |
EMoneyTransferFromTechnicalAccount | 4 | No | E-money credited to a Barion Wallet that wasn't yet created at the time of the transfer. |
EMoneyStornoFromTechnicalAccount | 6 | No | E-money credited back to the source Barion Wallet after the target, non-existent Barion Wallet hasn't been created to claim it. |
DomesticBankTansferWithdrawFee | 7 | No | Fee of a bank transfer to a bank account in the same currency. |
AccountClosureFee | 8 | No | Fee of closing a Barion Wallet. |
BankTransferWithdrawFeeStorno | 9 | No | Fee of cancelling a Barion Wallet-to-bank account transfer when declined by the bank holding Barion's transaction account in the target currency. |
CashTopUpFee | 11 | No | Fee charged for topping up a Barion Wallet using cash at a bank branch. |
ForeignBankTransferTopUpFee | 13 | No | Fee incurred for topping up a Barion Wallet from a bank account held in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account. |
ForeignBankTransferWithdrawFee | 14 | No | Fee incurred when transferring money from a Barion Wallet to a bank account held in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account. |
ForeignAccountClosureFee | 15 | No | Fee incurred when a Barion Wallet is closed and emptied into a bank account that's held in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account. |
Reserve | 16 | Yes | Reserved payment between a user and a shop. |
StornoReserve | 17 | Yes | The remainder amount returned when a previously reserved payment was finished with a lower amount. |
CardTopUpFee | 20 | No | Fee of topping up a Barion Wallet using a bank card. |
CardProcessingFee | 21 | Yes | Bank card processing fee incurred by a Barion shop. |
GatewayFee | 22 | Yes | The Barion Smart Gateway fee incurred by a Barion shop. |
CardProcessingFeeStorno | 23 | Yes | The previously reserved bank card processing fee refunded to a Barion shop after a Barion Wallet payment. |
Unspecified | 100 | No/Yes | Placeholder transaction when the transaction type isn't yet determined. |
DomesticBankTransferTopUp | 101 | No | The amount credited to a Barion Wallet in a top-up using bank transfer. |
DomesticBankTransferWithdraw | 102 | No | The amount debited from a Barion Wallet when money is transferred to a bank account. |
CashTopUp | 107 | No | The amount credited to a Barion Wallet in a cash top-up. |
ForeignBankTransferTopUp | 108 | No | The amount credited to a Barion Wallet from a bank transfer from a bank in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account. |
ForeignBankTransferTopUpProcessingFee | 109 | No | Fee charged after a Barion Wallet top-up originating from a bank in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account. |
CashTopUpProcessingFee | 110 | No | The fee charged for handling a manual cash top-up to a non-existent (usually mistyped) Barion Wallet. |
CustodyMonthlyFee | 111 | No | Monthly fee of keeping money in custody. |
ForeignBankTransferWithdraw | 112 | No | Amount transferred out of a Barion Wallet into a bank account in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account. |
IncomingBankTransferReversion | 113 | No | The amount transferred back to a bank account when the recipient Barion Wallet couldn't be determined. |
CardTopUp | 116 | No | The amount credited to a Barion Wallet during a bank card top-up. |
CardAcquiringFee | 118 | Yes | Fee incurred by Barion to a card acquirer during a bank card transaction. |
CardAcquiringFeeStorno | 121 | Yes | Refund of card acquirer fee when a transaction using a bank card falls through. |
CardPayment | 150 | Yes | Bank card payment between a user and a shop. |
Refund | 151 | Yes | Refund of a payment to a Barion Wallet. |
RefundToBankCard | 152 | Yes | Refund of a payment to a bank card. |
StornoUnSuccessfulRefundToBankCard | 153 | Yes | Cancellation of an unsuccessful refund to a bank card to a Barion shop. |
UnderReview | 180 | Yes | Payment is under investigation. |
ReleaseReview | 190 | Yes | Payment is released from investigation. |
BankTransferPayment | 200 | Yes | Bank transfer payment between customer and shop. Used in payment button scenarios. |
RefundToBankAccount | 201 | Yes | Refund of a payment to a bank account. Used in payment button scenarios. |
StornoUnSuccessfulRefundToBankAccount | 202 | Yes | Cancellation of an unsuccessful refund to a bank account. Used in payment button scenarios. |
BankTransferPaymentFee | 203 | Yes | The fee incurred by a Barion shop for a bank transfer payment. Used in payment button scenarios. |
BarionBalanceProcessingFee | 204 | Yes | The Barion Wallet processing fee incurred by a Barion shop when a payment was made with a Barion Wallet, and the shop was configured to pay the processing fee. |