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Barion API: Create a POS in Barion

POST /v1/Pos

Use the /pos API endpoint to create a shop in Barion.

Prerequisites before use:

v1 This API endpoint is available in API v1 and above.


Barion Wallet Authentication

Input properties

Property name Property type Limitations and constraints Description
Name string
  • Required
  • Maximum 200 characters
The unique name of the point of sale (POS) that will be displayed on the Barion Payment Gateway. If the intended name is already taken, you must provide a new one.
Url string
  • Required
  • Maximum length: 2000 characters
In the case of a webpage, the URL of it, in the case of a mobile application, the download URL (iOS/Android), in the case of a billing program, the URL of it. Only pages with HTTPS protocol, indicated safe by the browser will be accepted.
Description string
  • Required
  • 20-200 characters
A brief description of the product or service provided by the POS. This is required for shop approval.
Logo string
  • Required
  • The image encoded in a base64 string
The logo of the POS, which is displayed on the gateway and is required for shop approval. Do not use stock photos downloaded from the internet. The maximum upload size is 10 MB.
Category ShopCategory
  • Required
The category or categories to which the POS belongs. You can select multiple categories.
BusinessContact BusinessContact
  • Required
The business contact details of the shop.
TechnicalContact TechnicalContact
  • Required
The technical contact details of the shop.
CustomerServiceContact CustomerServiceContact
  • Required
The contact details of your customer service desk, where your customers can contact you.
PrimaryCurrency string
  • Required
  • Possible values: HUF, CZK, EUR, USD
Specify the primary currency of the shop.
ExpectedTurnover ExpectedTurnover
  • Required
The expected Barion turnover in the primary currency.

AverageBasketValue int
  • Must be >0
The average basket value in the primary currency.
PercentageOfB2BCustomers decimal
  • Between 0-100 or equal
The expected percentage of B2B customers in your shop.
PercentageOfNonEuCards decimal
  • Between 0-100 or equal
The expected percentage of non-EU cards in your shop.
FullPixelImplemented bool Specifies whether Barion Full Pixel is implemented.
UseForEInvoicing bool
  • Required
Set to True if the shop is used only for an e-invoicing program.
CallBackUrl string
  • Maximum length is 2000 characters
The URL where Barion sends a request whenever the shop state changes.
ReferenceId string
  • referenceId: top-up code
The top-up code of the wallet used to distinguish shops arriving through different channels.
NoteForApproval String Provide additional information for identification if your site is not public.
CustomTemplate string You can specify individual templates when you open the shop to determine the data displayed.
CustomCSS string You can specify an individual CSS if you want to modify the gateway design of the shop.

Output properties

Property name Property type Description
Name string The unique name of the shop.
PublicKey Guid The public key of the shop.
SecretKey Guid The secret POS key of the shop.
Status ShopStatus The status of the shop.
IsOpen string Information whether the shop is open.
Description string The short description of the shop.
Logo string The logo of the shop, sent as a URL.
BusinessContact BusinessContact The business contact of the shop.
TechnicalContact TechnicalContact The technical contact of the shop.

CustomerServiceContact CustomerServiceContact The customer service contact of the shop.
CallBackUrl string The URL where the Barion system sends a request whenever there is a change in the state of the shop.
ReferenceId string The top-up code of the wallet. Used to distinguish shops arriving through different channels.
CustomTemplate string The custom template you used to modify the displayed data.
CustomCSS string The custom CSS you used to modify the gateway design.
Callbacks only provide information on the shop state change. If you need more details, implement a separate GetShopState call.