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Electronics shop – sample e-shop with one-click payment

This example is the input of v2 /Payment/Start API call for an online shop selling electronics. This is the simplest transaction type where the customer pays to the merchant. There are two versions of the call, an initial, where Token payment is initiated and user is redirected to the Payment GUI, and a subsequent call where the token is used to make payments from the initial funding source without user interaction.

API Input JSON for initiating Token payment

    POSKey: "999FFDDA-04FF-333F-CCCC-345FCB555FFC",
    PaymentType: "Immediate",             
    PaymentWindow: "00:30:00",

    GuestCheckout : "True",
    FundingSources: [ "All" ],    

    InitiateRecurrence : "True", //If set to True, the Token will be recorder
    RecurrenceId : "345986-25646-3456346", //Token provided by merchant for subsequent payments

    PaymentRequestId: "payment-25",
    OrderNumber: "order-25",
    PayerHint: "[email protected]",
    ShippingAddress:  {
        Country: "AT",
        City: "Vienna",
        Region: "",
        Zip: "1234",
        Street: "13 Etwas Strasse",
        Street2: "",
        FullName: "Joseph Schmidt",
        Phone: "43259123456789"

    RedirectUrl: "",
    CallbackUrl: "",

    Locale: "de-AT",
    Currency: "EUR",
    Transactions: [
            POSTransactionId: "tr-25",
            Payee: "[email protected]",
            Total: 400,
            Items: [
                    Name: "Digital Camera",
                    Description: "Canon D500",
                    Quantity: 1,
                    Unit: "pcs",
                    UnitPrice: 300,
                    ItemTotal: 300,
                    SKU: "cn-d500-fxc3"
                    Name: "SD Card",
                    Description: "SanDisk SD mini 512GB - 3 year guarantee",
                    Quantity: 2,
                    Unit: "pcs",
                    UnitPrice: 50,
                    ItemTotal: 100,
                    SKU: "snd-sd-500gm"

API Input JSON for subsequent Token payments

    POSKey: "567FFDDA-0775-2343D-4564C-3AAB53453C",
    PaymentType: "Immediate",             

    FundingSources: [ "All" ],    

    InitiateRecurrence : "False", //If set to False, the Token will be used to execute the payment
    RecurrenceId : "345986-25646-3456346", //Token previously recorded

    PaymentRequestId: "payment-26",
    OrderNumber: "order-26",
    PayerHint: "[email protected]",
    ShippingAddress:  {
        Country: "AT",
        City: "Vienna",
        Region: "",
        Zip: "1234",
        Street: "13 Etwas Strasse",
        Street2: "",
        FullName: "Joseph Schmidt",
        Phone: "43259123456789"

    CallbackUrl: "",

    Locale: "de-AT",
    Currency: "EUR",
    Transactions: [
            POSTransactionId: "tr-26",
            Payee: "[email protected]",
            Total: 20,
            Items: [
                    Name: "SD Card",
                    Description: "SanDisk SD mini 64GB - 3 year guarantee",
                    Quantity: 2,
                    Unit: "pcs",
                    UnitPrice: 10,
                    ItemTotal: 20,
                    SKU: "snd-sd-100gm"

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