
From Barion Documentation
Revision as of 12:15, 28 March 2024 by [email protected] (talk | contribs) (added non-payment-related transaction types - extra column to indicate whether an item is payment-related coming up)
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Transaction type enumeration

This enum indicates the type of a transaction.

Included in

Transaction types are used in the following structures:

Enum list

Enum value Byte / int value Description
Commission 0 E-money transfer fee. Always waived (0).
Shop 1 Completed e-money payment between a user and a shop.
TransferToExistingUser 2 E-money transfer between two existing Barion users.
TransferToTechnicalAccount 3 E-money transfer from an existing Barion user to a not existing user.
EMoneyTransferFromTechnicalAccount 4 E-money credited to a Barion Wallet that wasn't yet created at the time of the transfer.
EMoneyStornoFromTechnicalAccount 6 E-money credited back to the source Barion Wallet after the target, non-existent Barion Wallet hasn't been created to claim it.
DomesticBankTansferWithdrawFee 7 Fee of a bank transfer to a bank account in the same currency.
AccountClosureFee 8 Fee of closing a Barion Wallet.
BankTransferWithdrawFeeStorno 9 Fee of cancelling a Barion Wallet-to-bank account transfer when declined by the bank holding Barion's transaction account in the target currency.
CashTopUpFee 11 Fee charged for topping up a Barion Wallet using cash at a bank branch.
ForeignBankTransferTopUpFee 13 Fee incurred for topping up a Barion Wallet from a bank account held in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account.
ForeignBankTransferWithdrawFee 14 Fee incurred when transferring money from a Barion Wallet to a bank account held in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account.
ForeignAccountClosureFee 15 Fee incurred when emptying a Barion Wallet when it's closed into a bank account held in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account.
Reserve 16 Reserved payment between a user and a shop.
StornoReserve 17 Storno amount from a previously reserved payment, if it was finished with a lower amount.
CardTopUpFee 20 Fee incurred when topping up a Barion Wallet using a bank card.
CardProcessingFee 21 Bank card processing fee deducted from the shop by the Barion system.
GatewayFee 22 The Barion Smart Gateway fee deducted from the shop by the Barion system.
CardProcessingFeeStorno 23 The previously reserved bank card processing fee returned to the shop if the user paid with their Barion wallet.
Unspecified 100 The transaction is just a placeholder, the type will be determined later on.
DomesticBankTransferTopUp 101 The amount credited to a Barion Wallet in a top-up using bank transfer.
DomesticBankTransferWithdraw 102 The amount debited from a Barion Wallet when money is transferred to a bank account.
CashTopUp 107 The amount credited to a Barion Wallet in a cash top-up.
ForeignBankTransferTopUp 108 The amount credited to a Barion Wallet from a bank transfer from a bank in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account.
ForeignBankTransferTopUpProcessingFee 109 Fee charged after a Barion Wallet top-up originating from a bank in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account.
CashTopUpProcessingFee 110 The fee charged for handling a manual cash top-up to a non-existent (usually mistyped) Barion Wallet.
CustodyMonthlyFee 111 Monthly fee of keeping money in custody.
ForeignBankTransferWithdraw 112 Amount transferred out of a Barion Wallet into a bank account in a country where Barion doesn't have a domestic bank account.
IncomingBankTransferReversion 113 The amount transferred back to a bank account when the recipient Barion Wallet couldn't be determined.
CardTopUp 116 The amount credited to a Barion Wallet during a top-up using a bank card.
CardAcquiringFee 118 Fee paid by Barion to a card acquirer during a transaction using a bank card.
CardAcquiringFeeStorno 121 Refund of card acquirer fee when a transaction using a bank card falls through.
CardPayment 150 Bank card payment between a user and a shop.
Refund 151 Refund of a payment to a Barion wallet.
RefundToBankCard 152 Refund of a payment to a bank card.
StornoUnSuccessfulRefundToBankCard 153 Storno of an unsuccessful refund to a bank card to the shop.
UnderReview 180 Payment is under investigation
ReleaseReview 190 Payment is released from investigation
BankTransferPayment 200 Bank transfer payment between customer and shop. Used in payment button scenarios.
RefundToBankAccount 201 Refund of a payment to a bank account. Used in payment button scenarios.
StornoUnSuccessfulRefundToBankAccount 202 Storno of an unsuccessful refund to a bank account. Used in payment button scenarios.
BankTransferPaymentFee 203 The fee is deducted from the shop by the Barion system for using the bank transfer payment. Used in payment button scenarios.
BarionBalanceProcessingFee 204 The fee is deducted from the shop by the Barion system. This fee type is used when the payer paid with their Barion balance and the shop has been configured to pay this fee.