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Payment method enumeration

This enum indicates the method used to attempt the completion of a payment.

API usage

This enum is used by the following API endpoints:

Enum list

Enum value Byte / int value Description
Unknown 0 The completion method is not known yet.
BarionWallet 10 The payment was completed with a funding source (e-money or bank card) from a registered Barion wallet.
BankCard 20 The payment was completed with a bank card.
GooglePay 30 The payment was completed via Google Pay, using a bank card or other means of payment.
ApplePay 40 The payment was completed via Apple Pay, using a bank card or other means of payment.
OpenBanking 50 The payment was completed via a bank transfer.
Other 200 The payment was completed by some other method.
Note: This is a reserved value for future method implementations, and should not be used explicitly.