Making a test payment: Difference between revisions

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(fixed typo in code sample. to-do: remove non-essential JSON keys)
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3. Start the Postman Desktop agent, and make a POST call to <code></code>, passing the following JSON in the request body:  Replace the <code>POSKey</code> and the <code>Transactions</code>/<code>Payee</code> as indicated.
3. Start the Postman Desktop agent, and make a POST call to <code></code>, passing the following JSON in the request body:  Replace the <code>POSKey</code> and the <code>Transactions</code>/<code>Payee</code> as indicated.
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">{
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
     "POSKey": "[the POSKey you've just copied]",
     "POSKey": "[the POSKey you've just copied]",
     "PaymentType": "Immediate",
     "PaymentType": "Immediate",
Line 57: Line 58:
Step result:  The API request returns the following JSON:  <br />
Step result:  The API request returns the following JSON:  <br />
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
      "PaymentId": [the payment ID generated for the transaction],
    "PaymentId": "ee849878c554ef118c0c001dd8b71cc5",
      "PaymentRequestId": "DEV-TEST-615",
    "PaymentRequestId": "DEV-TEST-615",
      "Status": "Prepared",
    "Status": "Prepared",
      "QRUrl": "[the payment ID generated for the transaction]",
    "QRUrl": "",
      "Transactions": [
    "Transactions": [
          "POSTransactionId": "DEV-TEST-01-01",
            "POSTransactionId": "DEV-TEST-01-01",
          "TransactionId": "[the payment ID generated for the transaction]",
            "TransactionId": "ef849878c554ef118c0c001dd8b71cc5",
          "Status": "Prepared",
            "Status": "Prepared",
          "Currency": "EUR",
            "Currency": "EUR",
          "TransactionTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "TransactionTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
          "RelatedId": null
            "RelatedId": null
      "RecurrenceResult": "None",  
    "RecurrenceResult": "None",
      "ThreeDSAuthClientData": null,  
    "ThreeDSAuthClientData": null,
      "GatewayUrl": "[the payment ID generated for the transaction]",  
    "GatewayUrl": "",
      "RedirectUrl": "",
    "RedirectUrl": "",
      "CallbackUrl": "",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
      "TraceId": null,  
    "TraceId": null,
      "Errors": []  
    "Errors": []

Revision as of 14:05, 7 August 2024

Making a test payment

Get a feel for how Barion works by using the Barion Gateway API to

  1. set up a payment for the Barion shop you’ve created, and
  2. settle the payment with some test money from your Barion Wallet.


Make a test payment using the Barion API

1. Log in to to your Barion shop.

2. Click through to Shops>Actions>Details>Secret Key (POSKey), and copy the value to the clipboard. Finding your shop’s POSKey

Finding your shop’s POSKey

3. Start the Postman Desktop agent, and make a POST call to, passing the following JSON in the request body: Replace the POSKey and the Transactions/Payee as indicated.

    "POSKey": "[the POSKey you've just copied]",
    "PaymentType": "Immediate",
    "PaymentRequestId": "DEV-TEST-615",
    "FundingSources": ["All"],
    "OrderNumber": "Order_01",
    "RedirectUrl": "",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "GuestCheckOut": true,
    "Transactions": [
            "POSTransactionId": "DEV-TEST-01-01",
            "Payee": "[the email address associated with the Barion shop]",
            "Total": 100,
            "Comment": "Test transaction",
            "Items": [
                    "Name": "Nada",
                    "Description": "Zilch",
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "Unit": "db",
                    "UnitPrice": 1,
                    "ItemTotal": 1,
                    "SKU": "SM-01"

For details on the various parameters you’re passing in the call, see the Payment/Start API endpoint reference.

Step result: The API request returns the following JSON:

    "PaymentId": "ee849878c554ef118c0c001dd8b71cc5",
    "PaymentRequestId": "DEV-TEST-615",
    "Status": "Prepared",
    "QRUrl": "",
    "Transactions": [
            "POSTransactionId": "DEV-TEST-01-01",
            "TransactionId": "ef849878c554ef118c0c001dd8b71cc5",
            "Status": "Prepared",
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "TransactionTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            "RelatedId": null
    "RecurrenceResult": "None",
    "ThreeDSAuthClientData": null,
    "GatewayUrl": "",
    "RedirectUrl": "",
    "CallbackUrl": "",
    "TraceId": null,
    "Errors": []

Pay through the Barion Smart Gateway:

Go to the URL in the POST call’s GatewayURL return value, and complete the purchase using the following test card details:

  • Card number: 4444 8888 8888 5559
  • Expiration date: any future date
  • CVC: any 3-digit number

Next steps