Payee transactions
Payee transactions - agents, contributors and royalties
In certain business cases, the owner of the payment may wish to re-distribute the incoming money among third parties. Consider scenarios like buying digital music, where a certain percentage of all purchases would go to the record label, the publisher or any other copyright holder. This is where the so-called payee transactions come in handy. Using these give the merchant the ability to re-distribute the incoming amount upon recepit among one or more third parties, the so-called contributors. The whole mechanism is hidden from all contributors and even the purchaser, they do not know about each other.
Setting up payee transactions
When calling the /Payment/Start endpoint, each Payment transaction can contain an array of Payee transactions. The merchant can specify a recipient and a transaction comment for each payee transaction that is sent to the contributor. This is to aid the recipient in identifying the cause of the transaction. Note: the recipient must be a valid e-mail address, but it isn't necessary to be a registered Barion user. In order to claim the money, they have to register themselves a Barion wallet though.
The process
- The transaction gets prepared via the /Payment/Start API endpoint, specifying the optional payee transactions
- The purchaser completes the payment
- The Barion system deducts the fees (if applicable) and the paid amount is transferred to the merchant
- The payee transactions are processed by the Barion system and the merchant automatically sends the money to each contributor via simple money transfer, with the provided comments
- If the recipient already registered a Barion wallet, the money is instantly transferred to them and is available to use
- If the recipient did not register a Barion wallet yet, they have 7 days to register and claim the amount - if they don't register, the amount is automatically sent back to the merchant