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Item structure

This structure represents an item included in a payment transaction. An item can describe a product or service.

Included in

Items are used in the following structures:

Property list

Property name Property type Limitations and constraints Description
Name string
  • Required
  • Maximum length: 250 characters
The short name of the item. This is shown to the payer on the Barion Smart Gateway.
Description string
  • Required
  • Maximum length: 500 characters
The detailed description of the item. This is NOT shown to the payer on the Barion Smart Gateway.
ImageUrl string
  • Optional
A URL pointing to an image that shows the item. This is optional and available for UX purposes only.
Quantity decimal
  • Required
The total quantity of the item.
Unit string
  • Required
  • Maximum length: 50 characters
The measurement unit of the item.
UnitPrice decimal
  • Required
The price of one measurement unit of the item. It can be any value, even negative if it indicates e.g. discount.
ItemTotal decimal
  • Required
The total price of the item. This is not necessarily equals Quanitity × UnitPrice. Pricing can be determined freely by the shop.
SKU string
  • Optional
  • Maximum length: 100 characters
The SKU value of the item in the shop's inventory system.