Barion error codes and notifications
This page serves as a repository for the Barion error codes and notifications you can encounter when using or integrating.
3DS error responses
Possible error responses for the recurring payment requests
Error code |
RecurringPaymentNotAllowed |
The token payment is not allowed for the shop identified by the POSKey. Contact Barion to request this feature.
Possible error responses for the subsequent payment requests
Error code |
InvalidRecurrenceId |
The token specified in the RecurrenceId is invalid. Check if the token registration was successful.
RecurringPaymentDenied |
Something happened to the user since the token registration, either deleted, suspended, or blocked. Payment is not allowed in these cases.
InsufficientFunds |
If the original payment was with an e-money wallet and the customer doesn't have enough money to fulfill this charge this error happens.
OriginalPaymentWasntSuccessful |
This means that the token belongs to an originally unsuccessful payment so this token can not be used anymore. This could only happen if the original payment was financed with a credit card.
InvalidCurrency |
If the original payment was paid with e-money and the current token payment is in a currency that the wallet does not have an account in this error happens.
CardExpired |
The card that was used to fulfill the initial payment is no longer valid. The RecurrenceId has to be re-initialized.
TopUpFailed |
The attempt to charge the card that was used to fulfill the initial payment was unsuccessful. Often accompanied by other more specific errors.
ThreeDsNotEnabled |
The card issuer rejected the card due to a lack of Strong Customer Authentication. Check whether the TraceId is specified correctly (in case the scenario requires it).
InvalidUser |
The payee defined in the transaction is not a valid Barion wallet. Either does not exist or is not fully activated.
UserCantMakeOutgoingTransaction |
The payee specified in the transaction is not allowed to make payee transactions since the wallet is suspended or does not exist.
CardError |
An error happened in the 3DSecure authentication system or the bank system when trying to process the card that has been used to complete the initial payment. This can mean a few things, from security settings to active limits on the card. The possible reasons should be discussed with the customer.
Error code |
CardPreparationNotAllowed |
If the card number is already registered (attached to a wallet) a new preparation is not allowed.
Error code |
InvalidCardKey |
The card key provided either doesn't belong to a card or the card is already issued.
Paying with a partner card
Error code |
InvalidCardKey |
The card key provided either doesn't belong to a card or the card is already issued.
Error code |
InvalidCardKey |
The card key provided either doesn't belong to a card or the card is already issued.
NewPinEqualsToCurrent |
The new PIN code equals to current one.
InvalidCardPin |
The current PIN is incorrect, did not match the stored version.
PinChangeFailed |
A fatal system error occured during the process.
Error code |
AuthenticationFailed |
The user name and password of the card owner was incorrect.
InvalidCardKey |
The card key provided either doesn't belong to a card or the card is already issued.
InvalidCardOwner |
The owner specified is not a registered Barion user or the user is not available for card registration.
Reverse partner card top-up
Error code |
NoIdentifiedPartnerFound |
The given partner key was not valid
NotExistingTransactionId |
The given topup transaction was not found in the database
SourceAccountNotAllowedForPartner |
The originally specified source Barion wallet was not connected to the trusted partner
StornoTopupFailed |
The topup process could not be completed due to an unknown error (contact the developer support)
MultipleStornoNotAllowed |
The storno stransaction is illegeal because the original topup was already rolled back.
Validate an ApplePay session
Error code |
AuthenticationFailed |
Authentication failed.
ModelValidationError |
This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example, the session request URL is malformed.
InvalidShop |
The provided poskey is invalid.
NotRegisteredToApple |
The provided shop URL is not registered to Apple.
InvalidShopUrl |
The provided shop URL is invalid.
UnableToCreateApplePaySession |
A technical error occurred, and Apple Pay Session could not be created.
Error code |
ModelValidationError |
This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example a string property exceeds its allowed length.
NotExistingPaymentId |
The specified payment id is invalid.
SuspendedUserTriedToRefund |
You are not allowed to refund payment if you are suspended.
TheSourceAndDestinationAccountsAreMatched |
Very rare error, this happens in case the payment was paid by the shop owner.
PaymentStatusNotValid |
Only payments in Succeeded status can be refunded.
TransactionDoesNotBelongToPayment |
The transaction specified in the request body does not belong to a payment.
InvalidTransactionType |
The transaction specified is not a refundable transaction type. Only CardPayment , Shop and BankTransferPayment types are refundable.
InvalidAccount |
The account is not eligible for a refund.
TooLowBalanceToMakeRefund |
There are not enough funds to fulfill the refund request.
AmountToRefundIsGreaterThanTransactionAmount |
The amount specified to refund is greater than the original payment transaction itself.
InternalServerError |
Something unexpected happened.