Error codes notifications

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This page serves as a repository for the Barion error codes and notifications you can encounter when using or integrating.

Possible error responses for the recurring payment requests

Error code Description
RecurringPaymentNotAllowed The token payment is not allowed for the shop identified by the POSKey. Contact Barion to request this feature.

Possible error responses for the subsequent payment requests

Error code Description
InvalidRecurrenceId The token specified in the RecurrenceId is invalid. Check if the token registration was successful.
RecurringPaymentDenied Something happened to the user since the token registration, either deleted, suspended, or blocked. Payment is not allowed in these cases.
InsufficientFunds If the original payment was with an e-money wallet and the customer doesn't have enough money to fulfill this charge this error happens.
OriginalPaymentWasntSuccessful This means that the token belongs to an originally unsuccessful payment so this token can not be used anymore. This could only happen if the original payment was financed with a credit card.
InvalidCurrency If the original payment was paid with e-money and the current token payment is in a currency that the wallet does not have an account in this error happens.
CardExpired The card that was used to fulfill the initial payment is no longer valid. The RecurrenceId has to be re-initialized.
TopUpFailed The attempt to charge the card that was used to fulfill the initial payment was unsuccessful. Often accompanied by other more specific errors.
ThreeDsNotEnabled The card issuer rejected the card due to a lack of Strong Customer Authentication. Check whether the TraceId is specified correctly (in case the scenario requires it).
InvalidUser The payee defined in the transaction is not a valid Barion wallet. Either does not exist or is not fully activated.
UserCantMakeOutgoingTransaction The payee specified in the transaction is not allowed to make payee transactions since the wallet is suspended or does not exist.
CardError An error happened in the 3DSecure authentication system or the bank system when trying to process the card that has been used to complete the initial payment. This can mean a few things, from security settings to active limits on the card. The possible reasons should be discussed with the customer.
PingFailed The bank system (or other third party) did not respond to the request, so the Barion API cancelled it.

Validate an ApplePay session

Error code Description
AuthenticationFailed Authentication failed.
ModelValidationError This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example, the session request URL is malformed.
InvalidShop The provided poskey is invalid.
NotRegisteredToApple The provided shop URL is not registered to Apple.
InvalidShopUrl The provided shop URL is invalid.
UnableToCreateApplePaySession A technical error occurred, and Apple Pay Session could not be created.

Refunding a payment

Error code Description
ModelValidationError This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example, a string property exceeds its allowed length.
NotExistingPaymentId The specified payment id is invalid.
SuspendedUserTriedToRefund You are not allowed to refund payment if you are suspended.
TheSourceAndDestinationAccountsAreMatched Very rare error, this happens in case the payment was paid by the shop owner.
PaymentStatusNotValid Only payments in Succeeded status can be refunded.
TransactionDoesNotBelongToPayment The transaction specified in the request body does not belong to a payment.
InvalidTransactionType The transaction specified is not a refundable transaction type. Only CardPayment, Shop and BankTransferPayment types are refundable.
InvalidAccount The account is not eligible for a refund.
TooLowBalanceToMakeRefund There are not enough funds to fulfill the refund request.
AmountToRefundIsGreaterThanTransactionAmount The amount specified to refund is greater than the original payment transaction itself.
InternalServerError Something unexpected happened.

Fetching information about an organization

Error code Description
NoIdentifiedPartnerFound The given partner key was not valid
PartnerDataCannotBeRetrieved The trusted partner data could not be retrieved (possibly has no rights for this endpoint)
AuthenticationFailed Authentication failed for the target organization (incorrect login name or password)
RemoteRegisterInfoReturnedWithError The company register service returned an error
RegisterInfoCannotBeRetrievedFromDb The company register record could not be retrieved from the Barion database. Contact Barion support.
RegisterInfoCannotBeRetrievedFromRemote The company register record could not be retrieved from the remote service. Possible causes:
  • The given company is not based in Hungary (there is no service to call)
  • The company register remote service is down
CompanyRegisterDoesNotExistsForCountry No company register service exists for the organization's country

Self-employed KYC remote identification

Error code Description
UserNotFound The given user was not found in the system
AuthenticationFailed Authentication failed for the given account (incorrect password)
LoginHasWrongAccountType The given account is not an organization account in Barion
IdentificationPending The given account already has a pending identification process
RegistrationNumberMissing The given organization did not provide a registration number in Barion
IdentificationPending The given account already has a pending identification process
InvalidBusinessType The given account is an organization that is not eligible to be identified as a self-employed organization (e.g. it has a valid company record)
IncompleteData The given company data was incomplete (owner or organization data missing)
NameIsOnProhibitionList The company owner is on the prohibition list. In this case, contact legal authorities!
DocumentsMissing The caller did not provide the personal documents for the identification
DocumentValidityMissing One or more documents that have a mandatory validity did not have the validity set
DocumentExpired One or more supplied document is expired
RemoteIdentificationFailed A general error occurred - contact the Barion support

Organization remote identification

Error code Description
UserNotFound The given user was not found in the system
AuthenticationFailed Authentication failed for the given account (incorrect password)
LoginHasWrongAccountType The given account is not an organization account in Barion
IdentificationPending The given account already has a pending identification process
RegistrationNumberMissing The given organization did not provide a registration number in Barion
IdentificationPending The given account already has a pending identification process
IncompleteData The given company data was incomplete (owners or representatives are missing)
InvalidCompanyRegisterId The supplied company register record was not found in the database. You must place a call to Identification-Information-v2 to obtain this identifier.
SignatoryStatusMismatch The supplied list of representatives does not comply with the signatory requirements of the company record
InvalidRepresentatives One or more supplied representatives do not match the ones found in the company record
InvalidCountryCode The given country code for an owner or representative was in an invalid format
NameIsOnProhibitionList One of the supplied owners or representatives is on the prohibition list. In this case, contact legal authorities!
DocumentsMissing The caller did not provide the personal documents for the identification
DocumentValidityMissing One or more documents that have a mandatory validity did not have the validity set
DocumentExpired One or more supplied document is expired
RemoteIdentificationFailed A general error occurred - contact the Barion support

Apple token payment

Error code Description
AuthenticationFailed Authentication failed.
ModelValidationError This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example, the session request URL is malformed.
InvalidApplePayToken The provided token is invalid.
InvalidApplePayMessage The provided message is invalid.
ApplePayNotAllowed Apple Pay is not allowed for token payments.
NotRegisteredToApple The provided shop URL is not registered to Apple.


The endpoint can result in any error described at the web payment scenario. Besides those these are the specific error messages for this scenario

Error code Description
InvalidGoogleToken The token provided was invalid. Either
  • malformed
  • or contained invalid structure
InvalidGoogleMessage The content of the token was invalid. Either
  • contained data that was not recognized
  • or the message was expired

Token payment

Error code Description
RecurringPaymentNotAllowed The token payment is not allowed for the shop identified by the POSKey. Contact Barion to request this feature.

Withdrawing via bank transfer

Error code Description
ModelValidationError This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example, a string property exceeds its allowed length.
AuthenticationFailed The provided authentication is not correct.
MinimumWithdrawAmountNotReached The amount specified does not reach the minimum bank transfer amount. This is not in production yet
InvalidCharacter One of the characters is invalid for the bank transfer process
InvalidAccount There is no account belonging to the user with the specified currency.
InappropriateVerificationLevel The user does not have the verification level to be able to transfer.
InvalidCurrency The system does not support the specified currency
InvalidCountry The Country specified in the BankAccount field is invalid.
LowBalance There are not enough funds to cover the withdrawal amount and the fee.
BankAccountNumberBlackListed The target bank account number is blacklisted, the withdrawal process is terminated and the customer gets suspended.
UserIsOverWithdrawLimit The withdrawn amount exceeded the allowed limit for non-verified customers, the withdrawal process is terminated and the customer gets suspended.
UserIsDeleted The user is deleted from the system, the withdrawal is not possible.
UserIsSuspended The user is suspended until the suspension is lifted no withdrawals are allowed.
WithdrawFromCustomerAccountToSystemAccount Withdrawing to the specified target account is not allowed.
BankAccountNumberNotAllowed Target Bank account number not in the list of allowed bank account numbers for this account.
InternalServerError Something unexpected happened

Responsive web payment

Error code Description
ModelValidationError This happens when some of the input properties fail the basic validation. For example, a string property exceeds its allowed length.
ShopIsInDraftState Your shop has not yet been submitted for approval. Fill in all the required fields on and submit the shop for approval.
AuthenticationFailed The provided POSKey is invalid. Check that the key used is appropriate for the environment. The test and production environment are separate so the keys are only valid for one environment. Another problem could be that the provided key is the public key and not the private key. For API requests the secret API key should be used. Furthermore check whether the sent request is a valid json.
ShopIsClosed The shop is closed in the Barion system, no payments are allowed.
InvalidUser There is a problem with one of the participants taking part in the payment. All of them should be registered Barion users.
UserCantReceiveEMoney There is a problem with the recipient of the payment. Every Payee specified in the attached transactions should be a fully registered user of Barion.
NotExistingCurrency The currency specified for the payment is not supported by the Barion system.
InvalidFundingSource The specified funding source is not valid. Check the FundingSources input parameter.
InvalidCulture The specified culture is not supported by the Barion system.
DoNotHaveEnoughMoneyToPreparePayment In certain corner cases when the webshop's Barion balance and the incoming money is not enough to cover the Barion fee this error message is sent.

Note: This error code is not sent anymore

FacilitatorDoesntHaveEnoughMoney The maximum possible income from the payment will not cover the total amount of fees the shop must pay after this transaction (topup the account of the shop, thereafter payments could be prepared).
InvalidPaymentType The type of payment is invalid on this endpoint (eg. you're using the Payment-CancelAuthorization-v2 with "Reservation" type

Possible error responses for getting user history (v3)

Error code Description
TransactionNotFound The LastVisibleItemId input field is present, but contains a guid not corresponding to any transaction in the system.
InternalServerError An unknown error has happened.

Error codes for payee transactions

Error code Description
BarionBridgePaymentNotAllowed Barion Bridge payments (splitting transaction amounts to payees other than the receiving shop after a successful transaction) aren't enabled for the current shop. You can check the current setting on the Barion shop's Shops>Actions>Settings screen, in Payment settings. Get in touch with customer care to enable or disable a shop's Barion Bridge support.

HTTP status codes

These are the HTTP status codes with their Barion-specific use cases. For more generic information, consult RFC 9110.

HTTP code Barion scenario Used by?
200 Sent by the merchant shop to the IPN callback Callback_mechanism
400 Sent if you do not have an account in the specified currency
401 Sent if you fail to authenticate yourself properly
403 Sent if you are not allowed to generate the given statement type Statement-Download-v2
404 Sent if the shop does not exist. Pos-Get-v1
429 Sent if you submit a request less than 5 seconds after a successful request. Callback_mechanism