Barion release notes - 2023r2
Barion release notes - 2023.05.23
Short summary
Barion is rolling the following new API endpoints for improved point of sale (POS) creation for your customers who already have a Barion Wallet.
We also roll out out a new update that changes bank transfers from your Wallet to a Barion vIBAN to a direct money transfer instead.
Creating a new POS
The Create a POS endpoint allows you to create a new POS using an API call, provided that you already created a Barion Wallet and you are familiar with how to call the Barion API.
Querying POS details
The Query all details of a POS endpoint allows you to query all details of a POS that is attached to a Barion Wallet.
Barion Wallet to Barion vIBAN transfers
From this release onwards, when you initiate a bank transfer from your Barion Wallet to a Barion vIBAN or GIRO, we automatically recognize it and handle it as a direct transfer instead. This means that the transaction is instantaneous and free of charge.