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Barion API: Request the current state of a POS

GET /v1/Pos/PosPublicKey

Use the Pos/ShopPublicKey API endpoint to query the details and current state of a point of sale (POS).

Prerequisites before use:

v1 This API endpoint is available in API v1 only.


Barion Wallet Authentication

Query string parameters for getting a shop's state

Query string parameter Parameter type Parameter description
PublicKey string The public key of the shop.

Query string parameters for getting a shop's details

Query string parameter Parameter type Parameter description
PosName string The unique name of the shop.
PosPublicKey Guid The public key of the shop.
PosSecretKey Guid The secret POS key of the shop.
Status string The status of the shop.
isOpen bool Information whether the shop is open.
PosDescription string The short description of the shop.
PosLogo string The logo of the shop, sent as a URL.
BusinessContact BusinessContact The business contact details of the shop.
TechnicalContact TechnicalContact The technical contact details of the shop.
CustomerServiceContact CustomerServiceContact The contact details of your customer service desk, where your customers can contact you.
CallBackUrl string The URL where Barion sends a request whenever the shop state changes.
ReferenceID string The top up code of the wallet. Used to distinguish shops arriving through different channels.
CustomTemplate string The custom template you used to modify the displayed data.
CustomCSS string The custom CSS you used to modify the gateway design.